EPPP Information The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology, EPPP, is the National and Provincial Examination used for licensure purposes in the United States and Canada. The tests are developed by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. Please see their web site for additional information. www.asppb.net The WV Board of Examiners of Psychologists will provide information on how to apply to take the test once candidates are approved. Scores are provided to the Board office 2 times per month. These scores are available a few working days after both the middle and the end of the month. All WV Supervised-Psychologists have a time limit in which to take and pass the test which is 2 years from application approval. This time limit is listed on all application approval letters and on each Gold Card Renewal Form. Please see Licensure Requirements for additional information. The Board will grant Supervisees an extension for medical reasons. A letter requesting an extension from the Supervisee and a letter from a Medical Doctor are required for an extension.